most frequent word in cell array
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Mahmoud Zeydabadinezhad
on 25 Oct 2017
Answered: Sarah Palfreyman
on 30 Apr 2018
Hi, I have a cell array "P" of size 2000 by 20. Each cell value is either "Yes" or "No". How can I make a new cell array "vote" of size 2000 by 1 that each cell contains the most frequent word of each row in P?
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 25 Oct 2017
tf = ismember(lower(P), 'yes');
votes = sum(tf, 2);
on 26 Oct 2017
Edited: dpb
on 26 Oct 2017
I was just throwing in the categorical variable into the mix in the end on top of your solution for the total by row using string matching thereby "mixing the two" of the cellstr variable to the categorical variables I had suggested totally (which did the sums via countcats) by then using the categorical to display the name in English of the winner...
Wasn't imply anything at all was wrong, just adding the final step and that primarily to "show off" categorical to the OP as worth looking at.
Walter Roberson
on 26 Oct 2017
Right, but I had overlooked that the question asked about the most common entry -- which can be found by testing the count against width/2
More Answers (2)
on 25 Oct 2017
Edited: dpb
on 25 Oct 2017
Good place to use categorical variables instead of the cellstr...
>> yn={'yes' 'no' 'Yes';'no' 'No', 'NO'}; % minimal dataset including capitaliztion differences
>> ync=categorical(lower(yn)); % convert to categorical and normalize spelling
>> cnts=countcats(ync,2) % count responses on 2nd dimension
cnts =
1 2
3 0
>> vote=cnts(:,2)>cnts(:,1); % see which is greater (Y>N --> True)
>> vote=categorical(vote,[true false],{'Yes','No'}) % convert to categorical to display
vote =
>> yn % original table to compare -- looks like right choice.
yn =
'yes' 'no' 'Yes'
'no' 'No' 'NO'
NB: The above doesn't have the extra logic to check for tie--in case that is possible will need to test for == as well and add the third category of TIE as possible output.
If TIE is possible, look at computing difference between counts and then the SIGN function will generate the tri-state variable needed.
See Also
Find more on Categorical Arrays in Help Center and File Exchange
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