Smoothening 3D isosurface plot as shown in the attached image.

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I have generated this attached plot that shows pressure field around an ellipsoid and want to smoothen the jagged surface. I tried using smooth3 but it is not effective. Can anyone let me know about other ways to smoothen the surface? Thanks!

Answers (1)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 11 Sep 2017
It seems quite smooth to me. And, sorry, but smoothing tools do not apply to a surface like this anyway, since it does not represent any kind of functional relationship. I'm not at all sure what smoother result you were hoping to see.
If you are unhappy with the result as an iso-surface, almost always the answer comes down to doing getting better data that will go into the iso-surface computation. Post-processing is surely a bad way to solve the problem.
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Ankit Bhandari
Ankit Bhandari on 11 Sep 2017
Thanks for your answer John ! I only need to remove the jagged surface in the center. This is a plot of 3-D pressure field, and I am using analytical results to get the answer. The problem is that since it is a 3-D grid, I believe, a finer mesh would solve my problem, but it takes a lot of time, plus it also generates a memory problem. That is why, I have been searching for post-processing curve smoothening. Please let me know if you can think of any other possible solution for such problem. Thanks !

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