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Using Bayesopt for TreeBagger Classification

4 views (last 30 days)
Anthony on 6 Jul 2017
Commented: Alan Weiss on 7 Jul 2017
Basically am running a random forest classification using tree bagger and I am extremely confused on how to run bayesopt on the program as I'm new to programming in matlab. Basically, I want to minimize the loss function. I've been trying the code below and I know that it's probably far off, but I'm very lost on this one. Any help would be great.

Answers (3)

Don Mathis
Don Mathis on 6 Jul 2017
How about something like this? Instead of crossval, it uses TreeBagger's ability to use the "out of bag" observations as validation data. It also uses a local function to build the objective function that you pass to bayesopt. You should be able to run this by pasting it into a MATLAB editor and hitting the Run button.
load fisheriris
X = meas;
Y = species;
minLS = optimizableVariable('minLS',[1,20],'Type','integer');
numPTS = optimizableVariable('numPTS',[1,113],'Type','integer');
hyperparametersRF = [minLS;numPTS];
fun = makeFun(X, Y);
results = bayesopt(fun,hyperparametersRF);
besthyperparameters = bestPoint(results);
function fun = makeFun(X, Y)
% Make the objective function to pass to bayesopt
fun = @f;
% A nested function that uses X and Y
function oobMCR = f(hparams)
oobMCR = oobError(A, 'Mode','ensemble');
Anthony on 6 Jul 2017
Similar to one of the answers below, this is the error message I get when running the code:
function fun = makeFun(X,y_cat)
↑ Error: Function definitions are not permitted in this context.
Anthony on 6 Jul 2017
Note: my feature labels are y_cat (this is a team project we're working on, so everybody is using y_cat, otherwise I would just run the code the way that you put it.)

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Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss on 6 Jul 2017
I think that you are pretty close. You just have to define what your objective function is as a function of the parameters you use. Bayesian Optimization Objective Functions has the basics for what bayesopt passes to your objective function: a table of values. This example shows using bayesope to minimize cross-valudated loss.
I believe that you are going to want to write a function that takes your training data Xtrain and Ytrain as well as the hyperparameter vector x, and some other arguments, something like this:
function loss = myCVlossfcn(x,Xtrain,Ytrain,X,y_cat,cvp,opts)
A = TreeBagger(numTrees,Xtrain,Ytrain,'method','classification','Options',opts,...
classA = @(Xtest)predict(A,Xtest);
loss = crossval('mcr',X,y_cat,'predfun',classA,'partition',cvp);
Then call bayesopt like this:
results = bayesopt(@(x)myCVlossfcn(x,Xtrain,Ytrain,X,y_cat,cvp,opts),hyperparametersRF)
If you don't understand about passing extra arguments this way, see Passing Extra Parameters.
I might have some typos, I didn't try running this, but is it clearer?
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation

Don Mathis
Don Mathis on 6 Jul 2017
Here's a variation that doesn't use a function-within-a-function. Maybe it's easier to understand:
load fisheriris
X = meas;
Y = species;
minLS = optimizableVariable('minLS',[1,20],'Type','integer');
numPTS = optimizableVariable('numPTS',[1,113],'Type','integer');
hyperparametersRF = [minLS;numPTS];
fun = @(hyp)f(hyp,X,Y);
results = bayesopt(fun,hyperparametersRF);
besthyperparameters = bestPoint(results);
function oobMCR = f(hparams, X, Y)
oobMCR = oobError(A, 'Mode','ensemble');
Anthony on 7 Jul 2017
Update: I fixed this. The original m file that my group uses to import our data that I never look at had me running in a completely different directory than everything else. I just moved everything onto that one for the time being and it's working just fine now
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss on 7 Jul 2017
Glad to hear it, thanks for letting us know.
Maybe you should accept Don's answer if that is what helped you.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation

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