creata random plot

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Kugen Raj
Kugen Raj on 19 Mar 2012
i need to create a random plot inside a circle. i used the r = a + (b-a).*rand(100,1), but it is not working as i only get the positive values. i need to make random plot from a reference node of x,y(0,0) until 10 radius. how can i do this?

Answers (1)

Wayne King
Wayne King on 19 Mar 2012
Do you want the points to all have radius 10? or can they have random length up to 10?
If it's the former:
phaseang = -pi+ 2*pi*rand(100,1);
z = 10*exp(1j*phaseang);
If the latter:
magz = 1e-5+(10-1e-5)*rand(100,1);
%or just magz = 10*rand(100,1);
phaseang = -pi+ 2*pi*rand(100,1);
z = magz.*exp(1j*phaseang);
Wayne King
Wayne King on 19 Mar 2012
what do you mean the reference node of (0,0)? All the vectors are plotted from (0,0)
Kugen Raj
Kugen Raj on 19 Mar 2012
i want my random points to be around node of (0,0) and up to length of 10. The produced points are not around the node of(0,0) but p to length of 10.

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