How to replace a frame (rgb image) in a small video sequence ?
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on 13 Feb 2017
Edited: Walter Roberson
on 21 Apr 2018
I want to replace a single rgb frame in a 4 sec video sequence, example i want to replace the 5th frame with my rgb image of same dimension as the video dimension (example 256x256)
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 13 Feb 2017
vid = 'NameOfTheVideo.avi';
obj = VideoReader(vid);
newobj = VideoWriter('NameOfNewVideo.avi', 'Uncompressed AVI');
replacement_frame_5 = randi([0 255], 256, 256, 3, 'uint8'); %or as appropriate
fr = 0;
while hasFrame(obj)
fr = fr + 1;
a = readFrame(obj);
if fr == 5
a = replacement_frame_5;
writeVideo(newobj, a);
clear obj
Walter Roberson
on 21 Apr 2018
Edited: Walter Roberson
on 21 Apr 2018
It is not possible to play a video writer object. Once the video writer object is closed, use one of the techniques to play the video by name. Or create a video player object and step(player, a) as you go through outputting the frames to the video writer object.
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