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Determining the second last row

6 views (last 30 days)
John on 16 Mar 2012
Hi there,
How would you code the number of rows minus one? Below I use size() to find the number of rows, but I want to set nrows to the number or rows minus 1.
Many thanks
sch_cycle=xlsread('C:\Autonomie practice\cycle.xls','Input_data');
nrows = size(sch_cycle,1);

Accepted Answer

Jonathan Sullivan
Jonathan Sullivan on 16 Mar 2012
sch_cycle=xlsread('C:\Autonomie practice\cycle.xls','Input_data');
nrows = size(sch_cycle,1)-1;

More Answers (1)

Dr. Seis
Dr. Seis on 16 Mar 2012
If you mean you want to set "sch_cycle" to have nrows - 1, then no need to actually determine "nrows" beforehand (just use "end"):
sch_cycle = sch_cycle(1:end-1,:);
You can setup an "if" statement in order to make sure "nrows" is greater than 1.
Dr. Seis
Dr. Seis on 16 Mar 2012
Looks like "end" will still work there, too:
sch_cycle(1:max(1,end-1),:); % For all rows except last row
sch_cycle(max(1,end-1),:); % For just second to last row
John on 16 Mar 2012
Thanks for all the suggestions guys.

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