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Move subplot title and create colored line beside it.

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi, all. I have this plot code for visualizing the matrices that originate a curve being ploted. Each matrix is subploted with a title and has it's curve ploted on a same area for all of the curves. Title and curve share the same color (first matrix is red, so it's curve is also red and so on).
However, I'd like to do two things with it:
  1. Move the title of each matrix to the left upper corner of it.
  2. Create a line along the rest of the subplot square with the same color as the title.
Any ideas?
Here goes my code, with adaptations for not needing to load results form actual previous computations.
for a = 1:4
acumuladorSIS{4,5,a,1,2} = ceil(rand(50)*3)-2;
acumulador2{4,5,a,1,2} = ceil(rand(1,50)*10);
acumulador3{1,1} = ceil(rand(1,50)*10);
QSG = 50;
cmapInt = [1, 0, 0; 1, 1, 1; 0, 0, 1];
cmapPlot = [
1 0 0
0 0.7 0
0 0 0.9
0.5 0.5 0.5];
aMax = 4;
b = 1; % aleatorização; 1 = não; 2 = sim;
c = 2; % sinal. 1 = +; 2 = -
d = 4; % distribuição de espécies nos grupos
e = 5; % tipo de distribuição de sinais entre espécies
%%matrizes de interação
pos = [1 5 9 13]
for a = 1:aMax
caxis([-1 1])
xlim([1 sum(QSG)])
ylim([1 sum(QSG)])
set(get(gca, 'Title'), 'Color', cmapPlot(a,:));
%%curvas de perda de diversidade funcional
for a = 1:4
hold on
subplot(4,4,[2 16]), ...
'Color', cmapPlot(a,:)
% to-do: ajeitar cores e tipos de linhas
box off
hold on
subplot(4,4,[2 16]), ...
plot(acumulador3{1,1}, '--black')
box off
  1 Comment
Igor de Britto
Igor de Britto on 5 Mar 2012
Sorry, there's a typo on the final plots. The parenthesis show should appear after the cmap statement.
subplot(4,4,[2 16]), ...
plot(acumulador2{d,e,a,b,c} --->)<---,...
'Color', cmapPlot(a,:)

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Answers (1)

Geoff on 5 Mar 2012
I don't know how to answer your 'line' question, but to set the title position do this:
h = get(gca, 'Title');
set(h, 'Units', 'normalized');
set(h, 'Position', [0,1,0]);
set(h, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left');
set(h, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom');
Play around with those position and alignment values to put the test where you want it, whether that's inside or outside the axes etc.
If your line is simply to separate graphs (so titles don't collide with the other plots), then you may want to consider putting the title inside the axis area. You can make it stand out by modifying the FontWeight and FontSize properties.
  1 Comment
Igor de Britto
Igor de Britto on 6 Mar 2012
Thanks a lot on the title position tip, Geoff. It worked like a charm. The point of the line, however, is to make it easier to identify wich line was generated (the same idea behind linking title color and line plot color), because it will be more visible on a small picture than the number.

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