.csv Date and Time assigned Data Import
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Georg Söllinger
on 4 Nov 2016
Commented: Georg Söllinger
on 7 Nov 2016
Hi dear Community,
I need to import csv data from Trials into MATLAB. The dataset is as follows:
2016/11/02 17:51:54,017;256,451812744141;0;0;0,130208298563957
I tried to achieve the import with csvread, but I guess, matlab cannot handle date and time in one cell?! Another problem may be, that the decimal delimiter symbol is ',' and not '.'. Actually, I don't need the date, I only need the time and the difference of the time between adjacent measurements as an additional column.
Help is very appreciated, thanks therefore in advance! Best Wishes, Georg
Accepted Answer
Jeremy Hughes
on 7 Nov 2016
Hi George,
If you're using R2016b you can import this directly, but it will take a little bit of configuration The following should work:
opts = detectImportOptions(yourfilename,'Delimiter',';')
opts.VariableTypes = {'datetime','double','double','double','double'};
opts = setvaropts(opts,1,'InputFormat','yyyy/MM/DD HH:mm:ss,SSS');
opts = setvaropts(opts,2:5,'DecimalSeparator',',');
T = readtable(yourfilename,opts)
More Answers (1)
on 4 Nov 2016
Hi Georg,
if you already extracted the required string, it can easily be converted into a datetime variable using a custom inputformat (that is also capable of dealing with commas)
mytimevar = datetime('2016/11/02 17:51:54,017', 'InputFormat', 'yyyy/MM/DD HH:mm:ss,SSS');
if you still need to extract the string I may suggest stringsplit
on 4 Nov 2016
I just checked with a csv-file that i created by copying your example line 5 times.
Here is what I found
- csvread gives you the error you specified (most likely due to the fact, that the file is not "real csv" due to the additional commas
- one solution is to use readtable
data = readtable('20161102_R05_1.csv');
- Another possibility with more control is to use textscan
fid = fopen('20161102_R05_1.csv','r');
while ~feof(fid)
data(end+1,:) = textscan(fid, '%s%s%s%s%s', 1, 'delimiter',';');
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