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Separate Date and Time from excel file column

2 views (last 30 days)
I have time column in excel as
they are 1 day file 22/12/2015 at 00:01:01, 00:02:01 , 00:03:01 etc and corresponding parameters
I wish to separate this column of time into two columns dd/mm/yyyy and 00:01:01 ...etc
any help will be highly helpful.

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 15 Jan 2016
d=cellfun(@(x) [x(3:4) '/' x(5:6) '/' x(7:10)],v,'un',0)
t=cellfun(@(x) [x(11:12) ':' x(13:14) ':' x(15:16)],v,'un',0)

More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 Jan 2016
Edited: Walter Roberson on 15 Jan 2016
To get the values as datenums:
date_column = 5; %for example
[num, txt] = xlsread('TheFile.xls');
datecell = txt(:,date_column);
dates = datenum(regexprep(datecell, '^DD', ''), 'ddmmyyyyHHMMSS');
The regexprep() is there to throw away the 'DD' from the beginning of the string.
You can compute with the dates or you can datestr() to get text.
If you do not care about the numeric representation of the dates and just want to break it up into two columns, then
date_column = 5; %for example
[num, txt] = xlsread('TheFile.xls');
datecell = txt(:,date_column);
datesfmt = regexprep(datecell, '^\s*(?:DD)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)\s*', '$1/$2/$3 $4:$5:$6');
dates = regexp(datesfmt, ' ', 'split');
dates = vertcat(dates{:});
datesfmt would have the elements reformatted but single string per line, not broken into two columns. The line after that splits each line into the two columns, but the result is an N x 1 cell each of which is a 1 x 2 cell. The last of the lines recreates it as an N x 2 cell, so dates(:,1) is the date column and dates(:,2) is the time column.

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