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Increase Memory Available for MATLAB

3 views (last 30 days)
SARAH ZAVAREH on 3 Mar 2011
I need more memory in MATLAB. Do you know how I can increase Memory Available for MATLAB. I'm using Windows XP x32 with Matlab R2010b. Thank you in advance.

Answers (3)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 3 Mar 2011
The easy way would be to buy a new computer with 64bit OS and 64bit MATLAB.
Jan on 4 Mar 2011
This is the most powerful solution. While the other tricks can increase the memory up to about 3GB, the 64 bit version can process 8TB in theory. Voted +1.

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Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 3 Mar 2011
SARAH ZAVAREH on 4 Mar 2011
Yes I saw it. But I'm interested to know how I can increase memory available for matlab. I didn't find it there.
Jan on 4 Mar 2011
Then look at the sections "Disabling Java VM on Startup", "Increasing System Swap Space", "Using the 3GB Switch on Windows Systems", "Freeing Up System Resources on Windows Systems".

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Jan on 3 Mar 2011
Try to reduce the memory needs of your programs.
  • Use smaller integer types for index vectors.
  • Store numerical values in SINGLE precision, if this is accurate enough.
  • Pre-allocate ever. Never let an array grow.
  • Pre-allocate absolutely really ever carefully.
  • Reduce the number of open figures.
  • Install as much RAM as possible.


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