Clear Filters
Clear Filters

How can I divide an audio signal into overlap frames and take FFT to the signal?

10 views (last 30 days)
I need to divide an audio signal into overlap frames of duration = 0.025 sec each, with frame step of 0.01 sec. and multiply each frame by the Hamming window and then take the FFT to the windowed signal......can some one help me please?
[s,Fs] = audioread('my file.wav');
%%%fs = 44100 hz
n=512; %Number of FFT points
Tf=0.025; %Frame duration in seconds
N=Fs*Tf; %Number of samples per frame
Ts=0.01; %Frame step in seconds
FrameStep=Fs*Ts; %Frame step in samples

Answers (4)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Jul 2015
Edited: Walter Roberson on 23 Jul 2015
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Sep 2015
for K = 1 : size(s,2)
y{K} = buffer(s(:,K),frame_length,frame_step);
This code takes into account the possibility that your audio file has multiple channels.
Gabriel Hurtado
Gabriel Hurtado on 17 Nov 2020
When yall say frame step, is that referring to the overlap of the frame? i.e. frame duration is the length of a segment, while frame step would refer to where the next segment begins?
If frame duration is 25 ms, and frame step is 10 ms, then the first segment has samples between 0 - 25 ms and the next has samples between 10 - 35 ms and the following has samples between 20 - 45 ms and so on? That's the idea of this code right? Just want to make sure.

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Reza Safdari
Reza Safdari on 12 Sep 2015
You can use enframe.m function from voicebox, a speech processing toolbox for MATLAB. For more detailed information refer to the following link:

Manolis Michailidis
Manolis Michailidis on 12 Sep 2015
There is a function called spectrogram which does what you want , see the related documentation
  1 Comment
Parul Sahi
Parul Sahi on 28 Mar 2018
Edited: Parul Sahi on 28 Mar 2018
how does the spectrogram function calculate the number of frames into which the signal will be divided given all the arguments like window size, hop length, NFFT points, window type?

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Pooja Patel
Pooja Patel on 2 Sep 2016
you can split by number of samples or time duration or frame

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