is it possible to use square subplots?

72 views (last 30 days)
if I use axis image: the problem is the gaps are too big between subplots, I would like to adjust the figure size also automatically, if possible

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 7 Jul 2015
You can use "axis square" though that does not do anything for the large amount of blank space between plots. You'll need set(gca, 'Position', [x,y,w,h]) for that.

More Answers (2)

Jan on 7 Jul 2015
Edited: Jan on 7 Jul 2015
figure('Position', [100, 100, 400, 400]);
axis('equal') % [EDITED: or better 'square' !]
Mr M.
Mr M. on 7 Jul 2015
figure can be handled as a plot? its very strange for me, since I cannot set title for example! So what is the difference between figures, plots, and subplots?
Jan on 7 Jul 2015
@Mr. M: The documentation is clear:
doc figure
doc plot
doc subplot
figure creates a window. plot draws a line and creates an axes object implicitly. subplot creates an axes object with a specific position - so "subaxes" would be a better name.

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Ivan Shorokhov
Ivan Shorokhov on 7 Jul 2015
Edited: Ivan Shorokhov on 7 Jul 2015
For each subplot, store its handle.
h = subplot(2,3,1);
Then set the 'position' property of h to be anything you want.
p = get(h, 'pos');
This is a 4-element vector [left, bottom, width, height] which by default is in normalized coordinates (percentage of figure window). For instance, to add 0.05 units (5% of figure window) to the width, do this:
p(3) = p(3) + 0.05;
set(h, 'pos', p);
The SUBPLOT command picks standard values for these parameters, but they could be anything you want. You could put axes anywhere on the figure you want, any size you want.
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Mr M.
Mr M. on 7 Jul 2015
aspect ratio is not working for me, as I expect, for example I expect axis image is something like this: set(gca,'xlim',[-0.5 0.5],'ylim',[-0.5 0.5]);axis equal; however my plots are rectangles!

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