Command for Matlab standard output

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Adwait on 15 May 2015
Edited: Adwait on 15 May 2015
I am calling Matlab from the Windows command line through another program (LS-OPT). LS-OPT looks for the string 'N o r m a l' as the standard output from Matlab. Does anyone know what command produces a 'standard output' in Matlab? I have tried fprintf, sprintf, disp and none of these work. In perl, the command for a standard output is print. So what would the equivalent command be in Matlab?
More detail provided here .
Jan on 15 May 2015
Edited: Jan on 15 May 2015
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Please show us, how you call Matlab from the Windows command line.
Adwait on 15 May 2015
This is what is executed on the Windows command line:
matlab -nodesktop -wait -r f_calc_new
The script f_calc_new is:
function f_calc_new
x= 1.5;
y= 1.1;
f = sin(4*x)-2*x + x^2 + sin(4*x)-2*x + x^2;
fid = fopen('f','w+');
fprintf('N o r m a l');
These discussions make me think that the standard output is different from command window output:
But I'm not familiar with .bat files so I'm not sure what I need to do to move the command window output to the standard output.

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Accepted Answer

Adwait on 15 May 2015
Edited: Adwait on 15 May 2015
I haven't found any Matlab command that outputs to the Windows command line. One workaround is to use the system command:
system('echo N o r m a l');
This won't open a command line prompt so it would just execute in the background.

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