find a word in a sentence in a cell

2 views (last 30 days)
i want to search for all the rows (:,6)that contain a specific word
i try :
[num text alldata] = xlsread('result.xlsx','1'); % import excel file
for i=1:size(alldata,1)
d = regexp(alldata{i,6},'[ ]*','split') % this split sentences but didn't save
for L=1:length(d)
k=k+1; end
if isequal (alldata{i,6},'battery') % search for word "battery"
end end
but it didn't work....!
SOS...any help please.

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 10 May 2015
I don’t have your data so I can’t run your code or test this, but see if:
if strcmpi(alldata{i,6},'battery') % search for word "battery"
improves your code.
It uses the strcmpi (case-insensitive string comparison) to do the test.
Amr Hashem
Amr Hashem on 15 May 2015
please could you help me in ... i have this two tables querymdr & idx2 :
i want to compare the fisrt two coulmns of them , and the multiple value copy column 6 of it only
i want to have the answer like this:
what i can do? any one has an idea?
Amr Hashem
Amr Hashem on 18 May 2015
how i can use "strfind" instead of " strcmpi" and return 1 or 0

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