Clear Filters
Clear Filters

Error using get ......Invalid handle???!!!!!

7 views (last 30 days)
Nour Mawla
Nour Mawla on 10 May 2015
Commented: Adam on 11 May 2015
Good after noon everyone
I'm trying to build a GUI that would match an input image and a database of images...I'm using the edge function
but when calling the database I get the following error
Error using get
Invalid handle
That's the function of the button that calls the database
function source_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
load Letters
global Letters;
q = zeros (1:num);
for n=1:num
q(n) = get(handles.Y,'n');
handles.output = hObject;
Thats the comparing function
load Letters
global Letters;
matched = 0;
k = handles.XX;
k = rgb2gray(k);
edge_k= edge(k,'prewitt',[]);
for n=1:num
p = handles.Y;
edge_p = edge(p,'prewitt',[]);
for i = 1:1:400
for j = 1:1:400
matched = matched+1;
disp (matched);
and finally the function used in creating the database
clear all;
close all;
for i = 1:50
A = imread(strcat('Sample 2\A\a',int2str(i),'.png'));
A = rgb2gray(A);
letter=A ;
Letters(1,i)=mat2cell(letter,2048,[1536 ] );
save ('Letters','Letters')
Please help me correct the error
when I removed the get function when matching it displayed the same number of matched point for all 50 images
Thank you

Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 10 May 2015
Never use "clear all;" inside a callback function. It will blow away your handles structure so that you can no longer access it.
Nour Mawla
Nour Mawla on 11 May 2015
and i need values to be in this format (that is the gray scale matrix of each image)
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 11 May 2015
I'm about to give up here. You keep changing your code and don't even attach it like I requested. First you say:
then you say
And did you know letters and Letters are different because MATLAB is case sensitive ? Anyway, these are the two links that you need to solve all your MATLAB problems:
Good luck.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 10 May 2015
Your call
Letters(1,i)=mat2cell(letter,2048,[1536 ] );
is going to be the same as
Letters{i} = letter;
The mat2cell() only has the effect of breaking up the matrix into smaller pieces if the following arguments include at least one non-scalar vector. When both of the values are scalar, the effect would be to give an error message if the array was not 2048 x 1536, and then to wrap the matrix inside a cell array.
Notice that what you store into Letters{i} is not an object, just a numeric matrix. As it is not an object at all, it has no property 'n' to be fetched by get().
I suspect that what you are looking for is something like,
Letters(1,i) = struct('letter', letter, 'n', n );
and then in your callback,
handles.Y = Letters(n).letter;
q(n) = letters(n).n;
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 May 2015
Value(i) = mat2cell(letter,2048,[1536 1536]);
Adam on 11 May 2015
Yeah, I couldn't remember which it needed to be and didn't have time to remember how to use mat2cell to test it so I went for the wrong one!

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