How to complete summation with column vectors?
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I have the following summation I need to complete. x is a column vector of Nx1 and and u is an Nx1 column vector as well. i_th component is given as below and j_th component is same. My question is firstly, do I sum only jth components since summation bounds are j=1 to N? How is this done in Matlab?
I have the code below but I have been doubting it for the last week as the rest of my code has not converged well.

x = ones(N,1)
u=(u-.5)/N %given parameter of u
in = @(x) sum((u.*x)./(u + u))
Answers (2)
Andrei Bobrov
on 29 Apr 2015
Edited: Andrei Bobrov
on 29 Apr 2015
Let your vectors this:
x = ones(10,1);
u = ((1:10)'-.5)/10;
[ui,uj] = ndgrid(u);
out = ui./(ui+uj)*x(:);
Gopalkrishna Bhat
on 29 Apr 2015
try the below code for N=4. Assuming that k is the 2nd column and there are only 4 rows.
sum=0; ui=1; k=1;
for j=1:4 sum=sum+(ui*u(j,k))/(ui+u(j,k)); end
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