Sorting of table except first ROW

8 views (last 30 days)
Suraj on 30 Apr 2024
Answered: Prateekshya on 30 Apr 2024
I have one table
table = uitable(fig, 'Data', tableData, 'ColumnName', columnNames, 'ColumnEditable', true, ...
'Position', [17, 50, 870, 400], 'CellSelectionCallback', @(src, event) tableCellSelectionCallback(event), 'SelectionType', 'row', 'RowName', '','RowStriping','off','ColumnSortable',true);
this i have "ColumnSortable = true" which provide me a sorting in my table. but i want to execlude first row of table from this sorting can i do that..?
or do we have any call back when sort button is hit on ui...?

Answers (1)

Prateekshya on 30 Apr 2024
Hello Suraj,
I understand that you want to sort the table column wise excluding the first row of the table.
The closest workaround is to create a custom sort mechanism to separate the data out and perform sorting on the rows excluding the first row.
Here is an example on how to do it:
% Extract the first row
firstRow = table(1,:);
% Extract the rest of the data excluding the first row
restOfData = table(2:end,:);
% Perform sorting on restOfData
% Combine the first row back with the sorted data
sortedTableData = [firstRow; sortedData];
% Update the table's data
set(table, 'Data', sortedTableData);
Here you can perform the same sorting mechanism on the "restOfData" instead of the entire table.
I hope this helps!




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