Calculate mean and standard deviation, the result is different from excel

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this is me sample picture
and i got the Mean value: 1.1932 Standard deviation: 0.6329 by matlab
but i output each data and paste on the google excel to calculate average ;1.12 and std :0.6005
outptu coding
data = adjusted_image(:);
which one is correct ? i have no idea
thanks your reading and answering

Accepted Answer

Ayush Modi
Ayush Modi on 18 Apr 2024
I copy pasted the values of adjusted_image variable in the excel, and used the below formulas to calculate the value.
=AVERAGE(A1:JW45) % For Mean
=STDEV(A1:JW45) % For Standard deviation
I got the below answer:
Mean = 1.193168433
std = 0.6329027251
I would suggest you to check the calculations for the mean and standard deviation in your Excel spreadsheet to ensure that the formula correctly includes all the values.

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