How do I start when coding a MIMO system?

10 views (last 30 days)
Hello there,
I am struggling with beginning my code for a MIMO system where I can compare the Bit Error Rate of a SISO system with the array gain of the MIMO system.
I have looked through the MATLAB resources yet I am stuck with where to start.
Could someone aid me in finding an appropriate MATLAB resource to start my code?
P.S. This is not a plea for code, this is a request to point me in the right direction of an appropriate MATLAB example/ MATLAB File Exchange example?
Thanks in Advance

Accepted Answer

Karl on 7 Apr 2024
I haven't used it, but the following looks like a good resource for simulating multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems:
The documentation includes A Complete Network-Level Example, which might provide a useful starting point.

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