Hello All,
I'm trying to configure my TI LaunchPad with F28002x C2000. I constantly receive errors when trying to use the Monitor & Tune option (Hardware -> Run on Hardware -> Monitor & Tune) but my project/model won't connect to my device. However, the project/model seems to work when I press the Build, Deploy, and Start button. What am I missing?
So far, it seems like I need to manually change some of the Hardware Settings to properly switch my device from 'Boot-from-Flash' to 'Boot-from-SCI' or to 'Boot-from-Ram'. If so, then can someone please confirm this process?
System Info:
- Matlab R2023b
- Trying to run the following example: Parameter Tuning and Signal Logging with Serial Communication (c28x_serial_ext model)
- All software requirements are met and properly installed
Device Info:
- Using TI LaunchPad kit
- Part no: LAUNCHXL-F280025C
- Connecting to target device from my host PC to an on-board XDS110 Debug Probe through USB
Thank You,