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How to change SIMULATION OUTPUTS settings programmatically in TestManager?

2 views (last 30 days)
How do I programmatically change the option in TestManager?
I'm tring to change the state of the checkbox named as 'Plot signals on the specified plots after simulation' which is one of SIMULATION OUTPUTS settings in TestManager(in detail, Test Case).

Accepted Answer

Angelo Yeo
Angelo Yeo on 29 Mar 2024
% Open the model sltestFlutterSuppressionSystemExample for example.
% Open test suite and test case. And set the property accordingly.
tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile('sltestFlutterCriteriaTest.mldatx')
ts = tf.getTestSuites;
tc = ts.getTestCases;
tc.setProperty('PlotSignalAfterSimulation', true); % tc is the test case object
FYI, I tested the script in R2024a.

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