- Adjust the rho and z arrays to match the values from your annexed file.
- Correct the calculation of g_z to ensure it reflects the gravity effect accurately.
- Update the plotting commands to match the visual style and labels shown in your annexed file.
Half-Basin of Sedimentary Deposition
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I wrote the following MATLAB code (Version R2014b) to represnt a half-basin of sedimentray deposition of seven- rock formations overlying basment rocks
close all;
% Constants
G = 0.0067; % Gravitational constant
pi_value = 22/7; % Value of pi
% Define densities of rock formations and basement
rho = [2.460, 2.290, 2.500, 2.300, 2.400, 2.500, 2.570];
rho_b= 2.680; % basement rock
% Number of columns
M = length(rho);
% Depth of each rock formation in each column
z = 1:M;
z = [0.401, 0.654, 0.896, 1.274, 1.371, 2.503, 2.704];
% Calculate average density contrasts for each column
rho_av = zeros(1, M);
for i = 1:M
rho_av(i) = (sum(rho(1:i)) / i) - rho_b;
% Calculate gravity effect for each column along the profile
g_z = pi_value * G * rho_av(i) .* z;
% Plot gravity effect curve
plot(z, g_z, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Depth of rock formation');
ylabel('Gravity effect (g_z)');
title('Gravity Effect along the Profile');
grid on
% Generate colors for rock formations
colors = parula(M);
% Plot juxtaposing columns
hold on;
for i = 1:M
% Stacking rock formations within each column
y_bottom = sum(z(1:i-1)); % Calculate the bottom y-coordinate of the current column
y_top = y_bottom + z(i); % Calculate the top y-coordinate of the current column
rectangle('Position', [i-0.5, y_bottom, 1, z(i)], 'FaceColor', colors(i,:), 'EdgeColor', 'none');
% Add text labels indicating rock formation numbers enclosed within each column
text(i, y_bottom + z(i)/2, num2str(i), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', 'Color', 'k');
title('Juxtaposing Columns of the Basin');
xlim([0.5, M + 0.5]);
ylim([0, max(sum(z)) + depth_baement]); % Adjust ylim to accommodate basement rock
% Create custom color bar
cb = colorbar;
cb.Location = 'eastoutside';
cb.Ticks = linspace(0,1,M);
cb.TickLabels = 1:M;
cb.Label.String = 'Rock Formation';
cb.Label.FontSize = 12;
hold off;
% Reverse the vertical scale
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
% Super title
suptitle('Gravity Effect and Juxtaposing Columns');
I need help of you to modefied the above MATLAB code to give me the results as in the annexed file (as possible as)
Answers (1)
on 27 Aug 2024
close all;
% Constants
G = 0.0067; % Gravitational constant
pi_value = 22/7; % Value of pi
% Define densities of rock formations and basement
rho = [2.460, 2.290, 2.500, 2.300, 2.400, 2.500, 2.570];
rho_b = 2.680; % basement rock
% Number of columns
M = length(rho);
% Depth of each rock formation in each column
z = [0.401, 0.654, 0.896, 1.274, 1.371, 2.503, 2.704];
depth_basement = 3.700;
% Calculate average density contrasts for each column
rho_av = zeros(1, M);
for i = 1:M
rho_av(i) = (sum(rho(1:i)) / i) - rho_b;
% Calculate gravity effect for each column along the profile
g_z = pi_value * G * rho_av .* z;
% Plot gravity effect curve
plot(z, g_z, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Depth of rock formation');
ylabel('Gravity effect (g_z)');
title('Gravity Effect along the Profile');
grid on;
% Generate colors for rock formations
colors = parula(M);
% Plot juxtaposing columns
hold on;
for i = 1:M
% Stacking rock formations within each column
y_bottom = sum(z(1:i-1)); % Calculate the bottom y-coordinate of the current column
y_top = y_bottom + z(i); % Calculate the top y-coordinate of the current column
rectangle('Position', [i-0.5, y_bottom, 1, z(i)], 'FaceColor', colors(i,:), 'EdgeColor', 'none');
% Add text labels indicating rock formation numbers enclosed within each column
text(i, y_bottom + z(i)/2, num2str(i), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', 'Color', 'k');
title('Juxtaposing Columns of the Basin');
xlim([0.5, M + 0.5]);
ylim([0, max(sum(z)) + depth_basement]); % Adjust ylim to accommodate basement rock
% Create custom color bar
cb = colorbar;
cb.Location = 'eastoutside';
cb.Ticks = linspace(0,1,M);
cb.TickLabels = 1:M;
cb.Label.String = 'Rock Formation';
cb.Label.FontSize = 12;
hold off;
% Reverse the vertical scale
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
% Super title
subtitle('Gravity Effect and Juxtaposing Columns');
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