How can i get table with data of u1,u2,u3,u4?

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Dec 2023
Instead of your last line where you called table2array, try this:
T = table(u1', u2', u3', u4', 'VariableNames', {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4'})
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Dec 2023
round has an option to round to a certain number of decimal points.
format long g
x = rand(10, 1)
x = 10×1
0.581605172668424 0.756955007866143 0.354740429451356 0.149793736097135 0.733672639886283 0.581139548041822 0.00520451816870482 0.943821381021493 0.456592241491234 0.659221182203463
%Number of digits after the decimal
N = 5;
y = round(x, 5)
y = 10×1
0.58161 0.75696 0.35474 0.14979 0.73367 0.58114 0.0052 0.94382 0.45659 0.65922

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