Clear Filters
Clear Filters

how to obtain smooth curve from the data stored in binary file?

3 views (last 30 days)
I have a binary file with unsigned 2-bytes, little-endiness data stored in it (MATLAB does not allow Binary file to get uploaded here).
I see that my data is much noisy than actual. I'd like to obtain a smooth curve instead of noisy one. Is there any way to obtain it?
fileID = fopen('output_file.bin');
data1 = fread(fileID,Inf,'*uint16','ieee-le');
Any help is appriciated.
Thanks in advance!

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 Nov 2023
You have the usual options, such as low-pass filter with lowpass or design a filter using designfilt or use a movmean or movmedian filter
There are also equivalent techniques such as taking fft(), zeroing high frequency components, and then inverse fft.
You might have reason to get into more specialized models such as ARX

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