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smoothing datasets containg nan

2 views (last 30 days)
ahmad Saad
ahmad Saad on 30 Oct 2023
Edited: Image Analyst on 31 Oct 2023
how i can smooth these data :
data=[1 1.927259
2 1.519675
3 2.553609
4 3.138377
5 3.6647
6 6.6849
7 6.937631
8 6.087666
9 nan
10 9.182496
11 9.536923
12 8.610497
13 8.3172
14 17.25756
15 6.725476
16 18.0788
17 8.0282
18 9.9958
19 7.063844
20 5.164532
21 3.5716
22 2.296498
23 1.757754
24 1.559203];

Answers (2)

Les Beckham
Les Beckham on 30 Oct 2023
Interestingly, the default window size for the 'sgolay' smoothing method in the smoothdata function generates smoothed data that is indistinguishable from the original data in this case.
Below, I've made a slight modification to the answer I gave to your previous question (found here):
I added the window size optional argument to the smoothdata call below. Adjust as desired. Or, experiment with other smoothing methods. See the link above to the documentation.
data=[ ...
1 1.927259
2 1.519675
3 2.553609
4 3.138377
5 3.6647
6 6.6849
7 6.937631
8 6.087666
9 nan
10 9.182496
11 9.536923
12 8.610497
13 8.3172
14 17.25756
15 6.725476
16 18.0788
17 8.0282
18 9.9958
19 7.063844
20 5.164532
21 3.5716
22 2.296498
23 1.757754
24 1.559203];
plot(data(:,1), data(:,2))
hold on
window_size = 8; % <<< experiment with adjusting this to get results that you like
sm_data = smoothdata(data(:,2), 'sgolay', window_size); % save the smoothed data
plot(data(:,1), sm_data)
grid on
legend('original data', 'smoothed data')
Also, please don't close questions minutes after posting them. Give people a chance to answer them.
ahmad Saad
ahmad Saad on 30 Oct 2023
thanks again for your kind attention.
Actually, i need to smooth the data not to fill the gaps.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 Oct 2023
Well the obvious thing to do is to fill the gaps (which you said once that you needed to do), and then after that smooth the data.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 Oct 2023
Have you seen the "DataCleaner" app on the Apps tab of the tool ribbon? Try it.
ahmad Saad
ahmad Saad on 30 Oct 2023
Thanks for response.
Unfortunally, I havent this app
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 31 Oct 2023
Edited: Image Analyst on 31 Oct 2023
Yes you do. It's included in base MATLAB. Did you go to the Apps tab? Did you click on the little down arrow on the very right side of the group of all the applet icons? Look in the group/row called "MATLAB". See image below.

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