Split data into groups without applying a function

16 views (last 30 days)
First, i would like to apologize for not showing the code, it's part of a group project and i don't want to show code without permission
That being said i was trying to group data from an array, with findgroup() i was able to make some groups and then create an array that show the group and it's asociated data but instead i would like an array that shows the groups in the first column (1,2,3,4, etc tha name of the groups are irrelevant for now) and on the second column all the data that's from said group. I've been thinking about splitapply but that function always use a function with the data.
For clearification, what i want is the intermediate step of this example image:

Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 28 Jun 2023
groupedHeight=splitapply(@(x){x}, Height,G)

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