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Cannot upload excel file into signal analyzer

4 views (last 30 days)
RaAy on 16 Jun 2023
Commented: Mathieu NOE on 16 Jun 2023
I am working on EMG signal processing. I have the EMG signal in an excel file after importing it from BIOPAC system. I want to visualize the signal. When I try to import the file into the signal analyzer it shows this:
how can I upload it to the signal analyzer?
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Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 16 Jun 2023
your confusing a data file and a session file. what the app is asking you is if you want to open a session file , not a excel (data) file
your data must be first loaded in the matlab workspace; use readmatrix or readtable for excel files
then simply drag your data in the display and use the app

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