Scale/Normalize values in matrix between 10^-6 and 10^-5

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I have a matrix Data (90X150) and I want its values to be normalized. I wrote the code below:
% Normalization
min_Data = min(Data,[],2); % min for each row
max_Data = max(Data,[],2); % max for each row
Data_Norm=(Data - min_Data)./(max_Data- min_Data);
Based on the above code, the normalization is done between 0-1, but I want the normalization to be done between 10^-6 and 10^-5. How is this done? Your help is valuable.

Accepted Answer

Askic V
Askic V on 12 Apr 2023
Edited: Askic V on 12 Apr 2023
this is a matter of a simple linear transformation y = m*x+n.
if you want to normalize data in interval [a,b] to interval [c,d], then the following code would work:
x = [-1 2 4 0 5 6] % input data
x = 1×6
-1 2 4 0 5 6
a = min(x);
b = max(x);
c = 3; % new interval limit
d = 4; % new interval limit
m = (d-c)/(b-a);
n = (c*b-d*a)/(b-a);
y = m*x+n
y = 1×6
3.0000 3.4286 3.7143 3.1429 3.8571 4.0000
Of course, the most preffered way is to use built in functions:
x = [-1 2 4 0 5 6] % input data
x = 1×6
-1 2 4 0 5 6
c = 3; % new interval limit
d = 4; % new interval limit
y2 = rescale (x,c,d) % rescaled data
y2 = 1×6
3.0000 3.4286 3.7143 3.1429 3.8571 4.0000

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