Independently working multiple reinforcement learning agents
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Esan freedom
on 24 Mar 2023
Commented: Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis
on 24 Jul 2024
Hello everybody, I am using two TD3 RL agents for tracking two different references. However, I recieved the following result of the reward plot. As you can see, when one of the agent works properly the other works very bad and vice verca.
here you can find the code:
- oInfo1 = rlNumericSpec([3,1]);
- oInfo2 = rlNumericSpec([3,1]);
- oInfo.Name = 'observations';
- numObservations = oInfo1.Dimension(1);
- act1 = rlNumericSpec([3,1]);
- act2 = rlNumericSpec([3,1]);
- numActions = act1.Dimension(1);
- obsInfo = {oInfo1,oInfo2};
- actInfo = {act1,act2};
- agentblk =["PV/Control_rll/Agent A", "PV/Control_rll/Agent B"];
- env = rlSimulinkEnv(mdl,agentblk,obsInfo,actInfo);
- Ts = 1e-2;
- statePath = [
- featureInputLayer(numObservations,'Normalization','none','Name','State')
- fullyConnectedLayer(64,'Name','CriticStateFC1')
- reluLayer('Name','CriticRelu1')
- fullyConnectedLayer(32,'Name','CriticStateFC2')];
- actionPath = [
- featureInputLayer(numActions,'Normalization','none','Name','Action')
- fullyConnectedLayer(32,'Name','CriticActionFC1')];
- commonPath = [
- additionLayer(2,'Name','add')
- reluLayer('Name','CriticCommonRelu')
- fullyConnectedLayer(32, 'Name','fc3')
- reluLayer('Name','relu3')
- fullyConnectedLayer(16, 'Name','fc4')
- fullyConnectedLayer(1,'Name','CriticOutput')];
- criticNetwork = layerGraph();
- criticNetwork = addLayers(criticNetwork,statePath);
- criticNetwork = addLayers(criticNetwork,actionPath);
- criticNetwork = addLayers(criticNetwork,commonPath);
- criticNetwork = connectLayers(criticNetwork,'CriticStateFC2','add/in1');
- criticNetwork = connectLayers(criticNetwork,'CriticActionFC1','add/in2');
- criticOpts = rlRepresentationOptions('LearnRate',1e-02,'GradientThreshold',1);
- criticA = rlQValueRepresentation(criticNetwork,oInfo1,act1,'Observation',{'State'},'Action',{'Action'},criticOpts);
- criticB = rlQValueRepresentation(criticNetwork,oInfo2,act2,'Observation',{'State'},'Action',{'Action'},criticOpts);
- actorNetwork = [
- featureInputLayer(numObservations,'Normalization','none','Name','State')
- fullyConnectedLayer(64, 'Name','actorFC1')
- tanhLayer('Name','actorTanh1')
- fullyConnectedLayer(32, 'Name','actorFC2')
- tanhLayer('Name','actorTanh2')
- fullyConnectedLayer(numActions,'Name','Action')
- ];
- actorOptions = rlRepresentationOptions('LearnRate',1e-02,'GradientThreshold',1);
- actorA = rlDeterministicActorRepresentation(actorNetwork,oInfo1,act1,'Observation',{'State'},'Action',{'Action'},actorOptions);
- actorB = rlDeterministicActorRepresentation(actorNetwork,oInfo2,act2,'Observation',{'State'},'Action',{'Action'},actorOptions);
- agentOpts = rlTD3AgentOptions(...
- 'SampleTime',Ts,...
- 'TargetSmoothFactor',1e-3,...
- 'DiscountFactor',.997, ...
- 'MiniBatchSize',64, ...
- 'ExperienceBufferLength',1e6);
- agentA = rlTD3Agent(actorA,criticA,agentOpts);
- agentB = rlTD3Agent(actorB,criticB,agentOpts)
- maxsteps = ceil(6/Ts);
- trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(...
- 'MaxEpisodes',5000,...
- 'MaxStepsPerEpisode',maxsteps,...
- 'ScoreAveragingWindowLength',20, ...
- 'Verbose',true, ...
I know since R2020b, the agent neural networks are updated independently. However, I can see here that Since R2022a, Learning strategy for each agent group (specified as either "decentralized" or "centralized") could be selected, where I can use decentralized training, that agents collect their own set of experiences during the episodes and learn independently from other agents.
Now my question is that: Do I need to use R2022a or my problem is in envirenment difination?
Accepted Answer
Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis
on 24 Mar 2023
Centralized learning makes learning and exploration more efficient because the agents share things like experiences. If agents perform similar/collaborative tasks this could speed up training. If the tasks are inherently different, you should probably go with decentralized learning.
That said, training multiple agents simultaneously is challenging because the environment violates the markov assumption. To help with that you should make sure to share as much info between agents as possible. At they very minimum, the actions of one agent should be observations of the other and vice versa.
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