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return type of fgetl(serial)

3 views (last 30 days)
Safiullah Khan
Safiullah Khan on 24 Feb 2011
hi, i wanted to know the return data type(string, char ,array?) of fgetl(serial), because i need to read port through fgetl(serial).

Answers (2)

Jan on 24 Feb 2011
What about trying it?
x = fgetl(serial);
Looking in "doc serial/fgetl" it looks like it is a CHAR.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Feb 2011
Possibly upon timeout or end-of-file it would return a different class of data such as the number -1 or an empty numeric array. You would need to test this case.
Jan on 24 Feb 2011
I've read and find the description of the outputs too vague. "[tline,count,msg] = fgetl(obj)" is helpful to detect timeouts and errors, but what is "msg" in case of success exactly?
@Safiullah Khan: The documentation is not clear enough in this point. Please send an enhancement request to TMW.

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Safiullah Khan
Safiullah Khan on 2 Mar 2011
how to send msg to TMW?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Mar 2011
Jan on 2 Mar 2011
Command window -> Help -> Web Resources -> Support
Type in the command window: "support". Then look for the contact form.

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