Clear Filters
Clear Filters

What indices of the original sequence are retained in the output of the decimate function?

4 views (last 30 days)
I am using the decimate function y = decimate(x,r) and I need to know to which index in x the value y(i) corresponds.
This is not explicitly addressed in the documentation. In the first example the number of points is k*r+1 and according to the code it seems y(1) corresponds to index 1 in x, while and y(length(y)) correponds to index length(x) in x.
In the second example of the documentation, where length(x) is not of the form k*r+1, it seems y(length(y)) corresponds to the last index of the original vector x.
Is that always the case? Would that depend on the type of filter applied (e.g. Chebyshev vs FIR) ?
Thanks for any input on the matter.
G. Garcia
For convenience, here is the second example of the documentation:
r = 13;
n = 16:365;
lx = length(n);
x = sin(2*pi*n/153) + cos(2*pi*n/127);
hold on
y = decimate(x,r,5);
xlabel('Sample number')
And the associated graph, showing correspondance between last element of x and last element of y:

Accepted Answer

Voss on 29 Nov 2022
From item #3 in the Algorithms section of the documentation for decimate:
"In the resampled sequence (y), y(end) matches x(end) when the IIR filter is used, and y(1) matches x(1) when the FIR filter is used."
Voss on 29 Nov 2022
By default, decimate uses a lowpass Chebyshev Type I infinite impulse response (IIR) filter of order 8.
Gaëtan Garcia
Gaëtan Garcia on 29 Nov 2022
Okay, now I get it. I did not know that the Chebyshev filter was an IIR filter, so I thought the information in the documentation was incomplete. Now to be honest, I should have realized that a filter was either FIR or IIR...
Now I really have all I need. Thank you again for being patient enough to connect the dots...
G. Garcia

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