How to concatenate columns of varying lengths, generated by a for loop, into a matrix?

2 views (last 30 days)
How to concatenate columns vectors of varying lengths, generated by a for loop, into a matrix?
num_sim = 1000; %1000 monte carlo simulations
%~~~~~~~~~~Coalesce data from Obs_Node.out files~~~~~~~~~~~~
for i=1:num_sim
Obs_Node = fopen(["/Users/apple/Dropbox/My Mac (apple’s MacBook Pro)/Desktop/Simulations/MC_"+num2str(i)+'/Obs_Node.out']); % Open monte carlo output file in Path (i)
skip_lines=11; %skip all the lines until the output data of interest
for k=1:(skip_lines)
temp1 = fscanf(Obs_Node,'%f',[5,Inf]); %scan the matrix of data
TEMP1 = temp1'; % transpose data
theta_ObsNode = TEMP1(:,3); % Isolate the Hydraulic Conductivity column
THETA_ObsNode(:,i) = theta_ObsNode(:); %add column from this loop to past loops to make matrix of data
flux_ObsNode = TEMP1(:,4); % Isolate the Water Flux column
FLUX_ObsNode(:,i) = flux_ObsNode(:); %add column from this loop to past loops to make matrix of data
Conc_ObsNode = TEMP1(:,5); % Isolate the Concentration g/cm3 column
CONC_ObsNode(:,i) = Conc_ObsNode(:); %add column from this loop to past loops to make matrix of data
David Hill
David Hill on 27 Oct 2022
You will have to pad the columns with zeros or nan to make them the same length or you will have to use a cell array.
Wesser on 27 Oct 2022
I fond this function that can pad a vector with NAN or zeros...but is there another way to do this? Would I call the function after
num_sim = 1000; %1000 monte carlo simulations
THETA_ObsNode = zeros(200000,num_sim);
FLUX_ObsNode = zeros(200000,num_sim);
CONC_ObsNode = zeros(200000,num_sim);
%~~~~~~~~~~Coalesce data from Obs_Node.out files~~~~~~~~~~~~
for i=1:num_sim
Obs_Node = fopen(["/Users/apple/Dropbox/My Mac (apple’s MacBook Pro)/Desktop/Simulations/MC_"+num2str(i)+'/Obs_Node.out']); % Open monte carlo output file in Path (i)
skip_lines=11; %skip all the lines until the output data of interest
for k=1:(skip_lines)
temp1 = fscanf(Obs_Node,'%f',[5,Inf]); %scan the matrix of data
TEMP1 = temp1'; % transpose data
theta_ObsNode = TEMP1(:,3); % Isolate the Hydraulic Conductivity column
%pad theta_ObsNode with NAN to 200000, but how?
THETA_ObsNode(:,i) = theta_ObsNode(:); %add column from this loop to past loops to make matrix of data
flux_ObsNode = TEMP1(:,4); % Isolate the Water Flux column
%pad flux_ObsNode with NAN to 200000, but how?
FLUX_ObsNode(:,i) = flux_ObsNode(:); %add column from this loop to past loops to make matrix of data
Conc_ObsNode = TEMP1(:,5); % Isolate the Concentration g/cm3 column
%pad Conc_ObsNode with NAN to 200000, but how?
CONC_ObsNode(:,i) = Conc_ObsNode(:); %add column from this loop to past loops to make matrix of data

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 27 Oct 2022
Maybe all you need is:
Node_CONC = nan(200000,num_sim);
THETA_ObsNode = nan(200000,num_sim);
FLUX_ObsNode = nan(200000,num_sim);
CONC_ObsNode = nan(200000,num_sim);
TEMP1 = temp1'; % transpose data
s = size(TEMP1, 1);
THETA_ObsNode(1:s, i) = TEMP1(:,3);
FLUX_ObsNode(1:s, i) = TEMP1(:,4);
CONC_ObsNode(1:s, i) = TEMP1(:,5);
Wesser on 27 Oct 2022
This set me on the right track. Thanks to all for the continued guidance! This is what I ended up with:
THETA_ObsNode = nan(300000,num_sim);
%~~~~~~~~~~Coalesce data from Obs_Node.out files~~~~~~~~~~~~
for i=1:num_sim
Obs_Node = fopen("/Users/apple//Simulations/MC_"+i+"/Obs_Node.out"); % Open monte carlo output file in Path (i)
skip_lines=11; %skip all the lines until the output data of interest
for k=1:(skip_lines)
temp1 = fscanf(Obs_Node,'%f',[5,Inf]); %scan the matrix of data
TEMP1 = temp1'; % transpose data
theta_ObsNode = TEMP1(:,3); % Hydraulic Conductivity
THETA_ObsNode(:,i) = theta_ObsNode(:);
Jan on 28 Oct 2022
This is faster:
THETA_ObsNode(1:height(TEMP1), i) = TEMP1(:,3);
With your code you overwrite a lot of NaNs by NaNs.

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