Plotting patters using circles and a trignometric equation

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So here is an image I saw:
Based on these equations we should be able to plot something like this picture.
When i coded this down I got the pattern but does not look exactly like the picture. Is there a way to tweak this?
clear; close all; clc;
k = 1:14000;
a = pi*k./14000;
Xk = cos(10*a).*(1-0.5*cos(16*a).^2);
Yk = sin(10*a).*(1-0.5*cos(16*a).^2);
Rk = 1/200 + 0.1*sin(52*a).^4;
axis equal

Accepted Answer

Les Beckham
Les Beckham on 13 Oct 2022
Edited: Les Beckham on 13 Oct 2022
k = 1:14000;
a = pi*k./14000;
Xk = cos(10*a).*(1-0.5*cos(16*a).^2);
Yk = sin(10*a).*(1-0.5*cos(16*a).^2);
Rk = 1/200 + 0.1*(sin(52*a)).^4;
% you need to specify the third argument, the size of the markers in points
% the factor 5000 is experimentally determined
scatter(Xk, Yk, Rk*5000, Rk)
axis equal
Further experimenting would be needed to figure out how to get the colors right (the 4th argument to scatter). Here the colors are mapped based on the radius.
Ahmed Mohamed Mansoor
Ahmed Mohamed Mansoor on 18 Oct 2022
1) Thank you very much for the answer.
2) in terms of the colors, I feel a "copper" colormap makes it look nicer.
3) about the colors being mapped based on radius. That does make sense but I also think there is a third dimensional aspect to it, that has to do with the color scheme based on the depth of the image.
4) I think after processing the image they must have tweaked the color scheme I guess? But will keep playing around to see what i can come up with.
note: Apologies for accepting the answer late. Was not around for a couple of days.

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