edfread error: 'StartDate' value of "fname.edf" must follow dd.MM.yy format.

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Using R2022a. I'm getting an error on SOME edfs but not all:
>> edfread('fname.edf')
Error using signal.internal.edf.validateEDF
'StartDate' value of "fname.edf" must follow dd.MM.yy format.
Error in edfread (line 113)
signal.internal.edf.validateEDF(filename, fileInfo, version, startDate, startTime,...
however if I use the Brett Shoelson FEX edfread FEX edfread I get the field:
startdate: '04.08.22'
suggesting that it is in the proper format.
I was able to reproduce the error with this public domain EDF (from https://openneuro.org). However, other EDFs of mine work perfectly fine.
(Minor note: the startdate in that public domain EDF is '00.00.14' which is not a real date but is the correct format? However, in my personal EDF that's throwing the error above, the startdate is valid)

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