coordinates of high frequency

1 view (last 30 days)
AAS on 23 Jun 2022
Answered: Rahul on 10 Sep 2024
Is there any way to find points or coordinates of high frequencies in a 2d image?
Abhishek Tiwari
Abhishek Tiwari on 26 Jun 2022
Edited: Abhishek Tiwari on 26 Jun 2022
Are you referring to points that occur the most frequently or the points with maximum intensity?
Jonas on 27 Jun 2022
or the strongest frequency acquired from 2d fft spectrum?

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Answers (1)

Rahul on 10 Sep 2024
Hi @AAS,
I understand that you want to find the coordinates of high frequency from a 2d image.
If you wish to find the coordinates of strongest frequency acquired from 2d fft spectrum, you can follow the following method:
  • Convert the image to the frequency domain using 'fft2' function.
  • Shift frequency components to center at zero frequency using 'fftshift' function.
  • Obtain the magnitude spectrum to identify and threshold the highest frequencies.
% Considering 'img' to be the variable for the 2d Image
img = rgb2gray(img);
% Converting 'img' to frequency domain using 'fft2' function
% Shifting the Zero Frequncy component using 'fftshift' function
F = fft2(double(img));
F_shifted = fftshift(F);
% Obtaining the magnitude spectrum of frequencies
magnitude = abs(F_shifted);
magnitude = log(1 + magnitude);
magnitude = mat2gray(magnitude);
threshold = 0.7; % Using a threshold to obtain high frequncies. Can be adjusted according to use-case.
high_freq_mask = magnitude > threshold;
% Finding Coordinates of High Frequencies
[row, col] = find(high_freq_mask);
hold on;
plot(col, row, 'r*');
title('High Frequency Points');
If you wish to find the coordinates of highest frequency based on occurrance, you can follow the following method:
  • Identify features from the 2d Image using 'detectSURFFeatures' function.
  • Using 'selectStrongest' function from the identified points to extract the points occurring most frequently.
  • If required, 'kmeans' function can be leveraged to obtain clusters of high frequnecy points and showcase their centers.
% Considering 'img' to be the variable for the 2d Image
img = rgb2gray(img);
% Detect features
points = detectSURFFeatures(img);
% Extract and plot the strongest points
strongestPoints = points.selectStrongest(100); % 100 can be changed accoridng to use-case
imshow(img); hold on;
% Perform clustering using 'kmeans' function and plot centers
coordinates = strongestPoints.Location;
[idx, C] = kmeans(coordinates, 5); % Example with 5 clusters, can be changed accordingly
plot(C(:,1), C(:,2), 'rx', 'MarkerSize', 15, 'LineWidth', 3);
You can refer to the following Mathworks documentations to know more about these functions:
Hope this helps!




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