I want to concatenate two coloumns of table.

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Two coloumns of my table are as follows:
Freqa Freqb
950 1500
2000 2070
3000 3070
4000 4070
And I want to provide this as an input to my function of different module which need input freq as
And using this command c= [freqa(:,1); freqb(:,2)]. MATLAB shows me this error: All tables being vertically concatenated must have the same variable names. I cant chnage the variable of my excel sheet so how to perform this concatenation operation please let me know.

Accepted Answer

Jon on 9 Jun 2022
I am assuming you have a single MATLAB table, let's call it T, with two columns, one called freqa and another freqb.
In this case, you can do what you want using:
freq = [T.freqa;T.freqb]

More Answers (1)

Voss on 10 Jun 2022
Edited: Voss on 10 Jun 2022
Let's say you have a table t with variables freqa and freqb.
freqa = [950; 2000; 3000; 4000];
freqb = [1500; 2070; 3070; 4070];
t = table(freqa,freqb);
Then freq given below is a column vector of all elements of freqa and freqb in the required order:
% one way:
freq = reshape([t.freqa t.freqb].',[],1)
freq = 8×1
950 1500 2000 2070 3000 3070 4000 4070
% another way:
freq = reshape(t{:,{'freqa' 'freqb'}}.',[],1)
freq = 8×1
950 1500 2000 2070 3000 3070 4000 4070
Or, let's say you have two tables freqa and freqb
freqa = table([950; 2000; 3000; 4000],[1500; 2070; 3070; 4070]);
freqb = table([950; 2000; 3000; 4000],[1500; 2070; 3070; 4070]);
(so that I can reproduce the error you got using the code you showed)
c= [freqa(:,1); freqb(:,2)]
catch ME
All tables being vertically concatenated must have the same variable names.
If that's the situation, then you can construct freq (or c if you want to call it that) like this:
freq = reshape([freqa{:,1} freqb{:,2}].',[],1)
freq = 8×1
950 1500 2000 2070 3000 3070 4000 4070
In either case, you can make the result freq into a table by
freq = table(freq)
freq = 8×1 table
freq ____ 950 1500 2000 2070 3000 3070 4000 4070
if that's what the input of the function needs to be.
Aakriti Srivastava
Aakriti Srivastava on 10 Jun 2022
the spreadsheet file attached hope this make more clarity.
Aakriti Srivastava
Aakriti Srivastava on 10 Jun 2022
Thanks Voss, after your discription to solution I understand my mistake.

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