Displaying surface in XY plane
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Dear all! I could not find answer of this question. How to display surface in XY plane with the code? Here is my code:
shading interp;
caxis([0 8]);
axis([-5 5 -5 5 0 10]);
Sorry if question already has been asked. And I apologize for my English:)
Fangjun Jiang
on 3 Oct 2011
How can you display a surface (assume 3D) in a plane (like a piece of paper)? Are you looking for contour()?
Accepted Answer
More Answers (2)
Jose Sosa Lopez
on 8 Sep 2020
A few years later, but what I did in my code which was similar, after to create the figure, I put the comand:
view ([0 0 90])
so, I get the X-Y view
if I want the X-Z view, I use:
view ([0 -90 0])
I guess it depends of the arrangment of your view.
Matt Tearle
on 3 Oct 2011
"I want to display it in XY plane"
You mean as an image or contour map? In which case, use imagesc or contour. doc contour gives other options as well (filled contours, and so on).
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