concat/horzcat for cell with data cells of a*b*c sizes

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Read variables from files
ncvars={'a','b'}; % variables need from files ncvar{1}=a, ncvars{2}=b
prjdir=[datadir 'mentioned path']; % path to directory
dinfo=dir(fullfile(prjdir,'*.nc')); %taking all files with extension .nc
num_files=length(dinfo); % number of files
E1=cell(num_files,1); % defining cell
% taking a and b from files and putting in E1 and E2 respectively
for K = 1:num_files
E1{K}=ncread(file, ncvars{1});
Now the question is I want to join/concat/horzcat E1 and E2.
Where I have E1 and E2 of 2*1 cell. (2 is number of files)
When I had E1{1}=180*161 double and E1{2}= 180*146. I used folowing to horzcat:
Etemp=horzcat(E1{:},E2{:}); %Etemp is 180*614 where 614 because 2*(161+146)
E=Etemp(1:end) % E dimention 1*110520 double
Now I have E1{1}=180*161*253 double and E1{2}=180*146*127 double. Same for E2 too.
How can I use horzcat for E1 and E2 in this case??
So that I can have Etemp dimention someting like 180*100008 where because 2*(161*253+146*127)???

Accepted Answer

Jan on 31 May 2022
E1m = reshape(E1, 180, []);
E2m = reshape(E2, 180, []);
E = cat(2, E1m, E2m);
cat(2, ...) is the same as horzcat().
Ankitkumar Patel
Ankitkumar Patel on 31 May 2022
Edited: Ankitkumar Patel on 31 May 2022
It is usefull some what. These gave divisible error.
Here E1 and E2 are 2*1 cell. So with some changes in these lines I able to create for E1 and E2 separately
E1m=reshape(E1{1},180,[]); % 180*40733
E11m=reshape(E1{2},180,[]); %180*18542
E1 =cat(2,E1m,E11m); %180*59275
Same way will get E2 and then after cat for E1 and E2 final result will be achived.
Is there any way where we can create loop for these??
Jan on 1 Jun 2022
Edited: Jan on 1 Jun 2022
C = cell(1, 2);
for k = 1:2
C{k} = reshape(E1{k}, 180, []);
E1M = cat(2, C{:});
A compact (but not faster) solution:
C = cellfun(@(x) reshape(x, 180, []), E1, 'UniformOutput', 0);
E1M = cat(2, C{:});
I use a new name instead of re-using E1. Letting a variable change its type from cell to double impedes the JIT acceleration. It is not a bug, but faster to avoid this.

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