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Adjust the view of UIAxes

3 views (last 30 days)
Pelajar UM
Pelajar UM on 30 May 2022
Commented: Walter Roberson on 31 May 2022
I plot a stl file by pressing a button. Then I rotate it around and change the view. And when I click on the button again, the view goes back to the default position.
I don't want it to go back to the deafult. I want it to use the latest view. But this doesn't work and still goes back to the default:
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
X = get(app.UIAxes,"View");
set ( app.UIAxes,"View", X);
data = stlread ("model.stl");
trisurf (data,'Parent', app.UIAxes);

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 30 May 2022
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
X = app.UIAxes.View;
data = stlread ("model.stl");
trisurf (data,'Parent', app.UIAxes);
app.UIAxes.View = X;
Pelajar UM
Pelajar UM on 31 May 2022
For anyone else wondering, this works:
ax.Interactions = [rotateInteraction zoomInteraction];
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 31 May 2022
Oh, that looks useful!

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