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Shade between lines in log-y scale not properly plot

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi, I have a similar issue, my filled area (figure 2) is not as expected, I don´t understand what's wrong. How could I fix it?
load data_ecdf
figure(1) % just to view the expected filled area
semilogy(eOut.psSST, eOut.sSST);grid on;ylabel('mg/L');hold on;title('SST')
semilogy(eOut1.psSST, eOut1.sSST);hold on
semilogy(eOut2.psSST, eOut2.sSST);
legend('empirical','down','up'); hold off
idx = eOut1.sSST>0 & eOut2.sSST>0; % Eliminate Negative & Zero Data
figure(2) % uncertainty band
fill([eOut1.psSST(idx) fliplr(eOut1.psSST(idx))], [eOut1.sSST(idx) fliplr(eOut2.sSST(idx))],[.9 .9 .9], 'linestyle','none')
line(eOut.psSST, eOut.sSST);grid on;ylabel('mg/L');xlabel('probability');title('SST')

Accepted Answer

Chunru on 24 May 2022
load data_ecdf
figure(1) % just to view the expected filled area
semilogy(eOut.psSST, eOut.sSST);grid on;ylabel('mg/L');hold on;title('SST')
semilogy(eOut1.psSST, eOut1.sSST);hold on
semilogy(eOut2.psSST, eOut2.sSST);
legend('empirical','down','up'); hold off
idx1 = eOut1.sSST>0 ;
idx2 = eOut2.sSST>0; % Eliminate Negative & Zero Data
figure(2) % uncertainty band
semilogy(eOut.psSST, eOut.sSST); hold on
fill([eOut1.psSST(idx1); flip(eOut2.psSST(idx2))], [eOut1.sSST(idx1); flip(eOut2.sSST(idx2))],[.9 .9 .9], 'linestyle','none')
grid on;ylabel('mg/L');xlabel('probability');title('SST')

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