After adding "cfg.CustomInclude = C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2022a\3P.instrset\cmsis.instrset\CMSIS\NN\Include" to the cfg,the "fatal error: arm_nnfunctions.h: No such file or directory" bug has fix.But the new error occus like the following:
### Connectivity configuration for function 'net_predict': 'STM32 Microcontroller'
### COM port: COM3
### Baud rate: 115200
??? An error occurred while calling into the SIL or PIL target connectivity implementation.
Build process stopped at compile stage. Unable to find the following link-only objects that are specified in the build
Code generation failed: View Error Report
Error using codegen
I don't find the file named libcmsisnn.a in my computer.Does it means that I should creat it myself and how to creat it?