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how to sub multiple numbers into symbols

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grace lim
grace lim on 6 Mar 2022
Closed: John D'Errico on 6 Mar 2022
please help to sub in multiple values of f into fo ,which affects H(s)
how do i plot graph from the results?
thank you
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John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 6 Mar 2022
Edited: John D'Errico on 6 Mar 2022
Was it REALLY necessary to insert a PICTURE of text code? When it is far easier to paste in the actual code you wrote as text, you had to insert a picture of that code?
As text, I can copy it into MATLAB to give an example of what you MIGHT do. As a picture, it is useless. And is there a good reason why you would want to make it even slightly more difficult to get help on your question? As such, while I was going to show you what you might do, I'm not going to spend the time to carefuly type in the code you wrote.
Anyway, even for something as eemingly trivial as this, you cannot do what you want. Well, some of what you want is possible. You can trivially substitute in a vector of results for f0. That will give you w0, as also a vector. But then you are left with several undefined constants, that change the shape of the curve, in different ways. They are beta, s, and Ho. So you could hope to plot the resulting curve, as a surface that is a function of fo, beta, s, H0. But that would require a 5 dimensional hyper-monitor.
We can plot three dimensional things, as projections into the 2-dimensional space of your monitor. Then you can rotate them around, to get a sense of what you are looking at. However, you cannot plot a 5-dimensional thing. Wanting to do something is not sufficient.
Anyway, since you already asked exactly the same question, this is a duplicate.

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