How can I insert my yolo dataset as a table

6 views (last 30 days)
I got a dataset for human tracking, since the pretrained models I found on MATLAB website were for detecting vehicles, but I am struggling to find the way to input my data as ground truth for my model. The dataset I got is ready and cropped. I need to input it as a table. I am using this code and getting the error 'The RowNames property must contain one name for each row in the table.'. I want the table to have 2 columns, one with image path and the other with its data matrix.
myFolder = 'C:\Users\Zewail\Downloads\rois\jpg_Extracted_PIDS';
dinfo = dir(fullfile(myFolder, '**/*.jpg'));
n = numel(dinfo);
T = table(cell(1, n), 'VariableNames', {'image'}, 'RowNames', {});
for K = 1 : n
filename = dinfo(K).name;
filecontent = imread(filename);
T{filename,1} = filecontent;

Answers (1)

yanqi liu
yanqi liu on 13 Jan 2022
yes,sir,please check the demo:
make the dataset as table,and modify model parameter to train
Mohamed Zewail
Mohamed Zewail on 13 Jan 2022
The dataset I have is already cropped to the ROI, does not need labelling I believe. I am trying to create a table with the same format as vehicleDatasetGroundTruth.mat that is what I need help on. So basically I need a 2 column table, the first column containing the image's path and the second column containg the image as a matrix. This is the code I am using but I am getting the error "The RowNames property must contain one name for each row in the table."
myFolder = 'C:\Users\Zewail\Downloads\rois\jpg_Extracted_PIDS';
dinfo = dir(fullfile(myFolder, '**/*.jpg'));
n = numel(dinfo);
T = table(cell(1, n), 'VariableNames', {'image'}, 'RowNames', {});
for K = 1 : n
filename = dinfo(K).name;
filecontent = imread(filename);
T{filename,1} = filecontent;

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