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count lines of code for entire project

51 views (last 30 days)
Hi All,
I am looking into counting source code of lines for entire project. Is there a way to do it? I looked into sloc() somebdy posted but it counts only one file at a time. I want to count for the entire project so soemthign can go into the foler and look for each and every .m file

Accepted Answer

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 6 Oct 2014
Neesha - try using David Roberts' FEX submission slocDir which calls the sloc function that you mention above.
Neesha on 6 Oct 2014
Ok,this worked. I have tried using slocdir, which did not work for me, but slocDir did. Thanks
Willingo on 1 Apr 2022
If anyone in the future tries to call all the project file names such as
p = currentProject
fNames = [p.Files.Path]'
Be aware that fNames is a string array, which did not exist at the time of sloc, so you need to reconvert it into a character array. I make no promises that this works for all cases, but I used sloc in this manner
p = currentProject
filePaths = char([p.Files.Path]');
myCount = struct;
count0TF = [];
for i = 1:height(filePaths)
n = numel(myCount);
myCount(n+1).count = sloc(filePaths(i,:));
[~,fName] = fileparts(filePaths(i,:));
myCount(n+1).filename = fName;
myProjectTable = struct2table(myCount)

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More Answers (1)

Demetrio Rodriguez Tereshkin
This is what you are looking for:


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