get on click coordinates from a plot (multiple times)
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the function [x,y]= ginput (n) gives back the x and y data of the curse position while clicking. The Problem: I want to give the user the possibility to click multiple times in a row. However, I need the click to have a direct effect.
So if n>1 the function waits for n clicks to be done before returning the x/y Data.I want to click --> get Values --> click --> get values --> click on the button --> finish. My idea was to use a Pushbutton which sets the ginput into an eternal loop, which can be broken be clicking agian.
function CollectePointsButton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
Counter = getappdata(hObject,'Counter');
if isempty(Counter) == 1;
Counter = 0;
Data = findobj('type','axes');
Counter = Counter +1;
function ClickToCollecte (gcbo,evendata,handles)
Data = findobj('tag','CollectePointsButton');
Counter = getappdata(Data,'Counter')
while mod(Counter,2) == 1
Data = findobj('tag','CollectePointsButton');
Counter = getappdata(Data,'Counter')
[x,y] = ginput(1);
Accepted Answer
Mischa Kim
on 10 Sep 2014
It uses left-mouse clicks to collect data and a right-mouse click to finish collecting data.
Mischa Kim
on 11 Sep 2014
ginput reads position values as long as you keep using the left-mouse button ( button = 1 ). As soon as you use the right-mouse button, button = 3, and the loop is exited.
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