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change the resolution of time series from hourly to 30min

3 views (last 30 days)
Hello all!
I've got some hourly data and I want to transpose it to 30min data.
For example for the variable 1, I've got the timeseries: (Dates - Values:)
00:00 01/07/2010 -> 5
01:00 01/07/2010 -> 6
02:00 01/07/2010 -> 8
and I need to transpose it to: (Dates - Values)
00:00 01/07/2010 -> 5
00:30 01/07/2010 -> 5
01:00 01/07/2010 -> 6
01:30 01/07/2010 -> 6
02:00 01/07/2010 -> 8
02:30 01/07/2010 -> 8
Do you have any idea??

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 1 Sep 2011
resample() would be the function to use, but in your case, just process your original data to create a new timeseries.
Data=[5 6 8];
Time={'00:00 01/07/2010','01:00 01/07/2010','02:00 01/07/2010'};
Christina on 2 Sep 2011
Thanks for answering.
However, with the repmat command the vector Data = [5 ;6; 8] is repeated and it becomes [5 ;6 ;8; 5 ;6 ;8]
whereas I want it to become [5; 5; 6; 6; 8; 8]
Do you know how this can be done?
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 2 Sep 2011
In my code above, Data=[5 6 8] is a row vector, not a column vector as you just mentioned Data=[5;6;8].
If you have Data=[5;6;8], you can do NewData=[Data Data]';NewData=NewData(:); you'll get what you want.

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