How can Capula used to obtain a correlation coefficient between the two vector?

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone.
I have a data matrix that uncludes input features for predicting electricity price and I want to obtain a correlation coefficient between each column of this data matrix and the price vector using Copula in Matlab.There are several Copula function in Matlab , but I dont know which one and how to use?Please help me. thanks alot.
Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller on 23 Aug 2021
If you have data and want to estimate correlations via copulas, then your teacher probably wants you to use the copulafit function
Nazila Pourhajy
Nazila Pourhajy on 23 Aug 2021
Just copulafit?What function should I use for data between zero and one?
Please, write me its code.Thanks.

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