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Is there any alternatives of 'getOptima​lNewCamera​Matrix' method in matlab?

8 views (last 30 days)
I need to use getOptimalNewCameraMatrix method for camera calibration but I do not find any alternatives in matlab. Here is my code:
image = imread(image_path + "\" + file);
[height, width] = size(image);
[newcameramtx, roi] = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(camera_matrix, dist, [width,height], 0, [width,height]);
Bhuvanyu Dogra
Bhuvanyu Dogra on 20 Aug 2021
It is my understanding that you are looking for ways to use 'getOptimalNewCameraMatrix' method in MATLAB.
Please refer to the following File Exchange submission for using OpenCV methods with MATLAB:

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