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Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.

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I faced this problem here. Please help me. I already try with give solution .
image_files = [];
for f = isfolder(image_path)
if f.endsWith([".jpg",".jpeg",".png", ".PNG"]) //problem is here
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Error in undistortion>undistorb_images (line 51)
if f.endsWith([".jpg",".jpeg",".png", ".PNG"])
DGM on 17 Aug 2021
Edited: DGM on 17 Aug 2021
You're going to have to explain what exactly you're trying to do here, because this code doesn't make any sense.
% what is image_path? is it a scalar string or char vector?
% is it a string array or a cell array of chars?
image_path = ???;
image_files = [];
% assuming image_path specifies multiple files,
% isfolder() will output a logical vector.
% f will be scalar logical, and the loop steps through each value
% but they're never used for anything
% if you're intending to only look at paths which are directories
% then why is the inner conditional looking to see if they're image files?
for f = isfolder(image_path)
% f is a scalar logical. it has no method endsWith().
% the correct syntax endsWith(f,pattern) doesn't make sense either
% because f is a scalar logical, not a string or char.
if f.endsWith([".jpg",".jpeg",".png", ".PNG"]) //problem is here
% again, append() doesn't work like that, and it doesn't work
% on logical scalars either. even if it did, this entire loop
% would accomplish nothing but disassembling the output from
% isfolder() and then reassembling it back into a logical vector.
Are you trying to recursively search directories and build a list of paths to image files? What about image files that are not in a directory, but are specified directly in image_path?
Md Shahidul Islam
Md Shahidul Islam on 17 Aug 2021
Yes, I am trying to recursively search directories and build a list of paths to image files. Here is my full code:
undistorb_images([], []);
function [tvec, rvec, camera_matrix, dist] = read_wp2c(input_name)
%input_name = "output_wp2camera.json";
raw = fileread(input_name);
input_params = jsondecode(raw);
camera_matrix = input_params.camera_matrix;
dist = input_params.dist_coefs;
tvec_json = input_params.translational_vectors;
%tvec = struct2cell(tvec_json);
rvec_json = input_params.rotational_vectors;
%rvec = struct2cell(rvec_json);
tvec = [];
rvec = [];
len = length(tvec_json);
for i = 1:len
%tvec.append(array(tvec_json(image + string(i))))
tvec = struct2cell(tvec_json(i));
%rvec.append(array(rvec_json(image + string(i))));
rvec = struct2cell(rvec_json(i));
function undistorb_images(inputParams, result)
%if result is None:
if isempty(result)
input_name = "output_wp2camera.json";
[tvec, rvec, camera_matrix, dist] = read_wp2c(input_name);
tvec = result(4);
rvec = result(3);
camera_matrix = result(1);
dist = result(2);
if isempty(inputParams)
image_path = "D:\matlab_code\Calibration_Task\images\";
image_path = inputParams.opencv_storage.settings.Images_Folder;
image_files = [];
files = [dir(fullfile(image_path,'*.jpg')); dir(fullfile(image_path,'*.png')); dir(fullfile(image_path,'*.jpeg')); dir(fullfile(image_path,'*.PNG'))];
%files = dir(fullfile(image_path, '*.(jpg|png)'));
L = length(files);
for i=1:L
% for f = dir(image_path)
% %ext = image_path(split(lower(f)));
% %disp(f)
% %if f.endsWith([".jpg",".jpeg",".png", ".PNG"])
% % image_files.append(f);
% %end
% end
image_file_name = [];
if ~isempty(image_files)
for image_file = image_files
image = imread(image_path + "/" + image_file);
[height, width] = size(image);
print(str(height) + " " + str(width))
[newcameramtx, roi] = getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(camera_matrix, dist, [width,height], 0, [width,height]);
% dst = cv2.undistort(image, camera_matrix, dist, None, newcameramtx)
[mapx, mapy] = cv.initUndistortRectifyMap(camera_matrix, dist, None, newcameramtx, [width,height], 5);
dst = cv.remap(image, mapx, mapy, INTER_LINEAR);
x, y, w, h = roi;
dst = dst(y:y+h, x:x+w);
[height, width] = size(dst);
print(str(height) + " " + str(width));
imwrite("undistortion/" + image_file, dst);

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Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 17 Aug 2021
Edited: Adam Danz on 17 Aug 2021
> I am trying to recursively search directories and build a list of paths to image files
% Define the main directory
image_path = 'C:\Users\name\Documents';
% list accepted extensions (with leading dot, case ignored)
acceptedExt = [".jpg",".jpeg",".png"];
Recursively search main directory (and sub directories) for files with listed extensions. fileList contains a cell array of full paths to matched files. The extension match ignores case.
d = dir(fullfile(image_path,'**\*.*'));
d([d.isdir]) = []; % remove directories from list
[~,ext] = regexp({}','.*(\..*$)','match','once','tokens');
isAccepted = ismember(lower([ext{:}]), lower(acceptedExt));
d(~isAccepted) = []; % remove files that do not have accepted ext.
% list full paths to accepted files
fileList = fullfile({d.folder},{})';
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 17 Aug 2021
Edited: Adam Danz on 17 Aug 2021
Sure, to display the number of accepted files for each extension, replace the ismember line with the line below and add the second block of code to the end.
[isAccepted,extIdx] = ismember(lower([ext{:}]), lower(acceptedExt));
% Count number of matches for each acceptedExt
unqExtIdx = unique(extIdx(isAccepted));
count = histcounts(extIdx(isAccepted), 'BinMethod','integers');
disp(compose('%s: %.0f', acceptedExt', count'))
Example output:
ans =
4×1 cell array
{'.jpg: 388'}
{'.jpeg: 0' }
{'.png: 0' }
{'.gif: 1' }

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