how to apply z transform for an image

5 views (last 30 days)
Jayasri on 13 Jun 2014
Commented: Dishant Arora on 13 Jun 2014
i am currently working on applying z transform for images. in matlab, there is a function called ztrans in symbolic math toolbox for applying z transformation for symbolic expressions or matrix of symbolic expressions. could any one please suggest me how to apply z transformation for images, just as we would use fft or dwt2 for images?

Answers (1)

Dishant Arora
Dishant Arora on 13 Jun 2014
doc czt
You can apply czt on each row followed by applying it on each column.
Jayasri on 13 Jun 2014
Thanks for your reply. And i would also like to know how to perform the inverse for this czt as there is no function in matlab for computing the inverse czt?
Dishant Arora
Dishant Arora on 13 Jun 2014
Here's a elaborate discussion on how to get igct :!topic/comp.dsp/L_5J6aRu54c. Try to code it

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